2024 Updated Profitable
Mentorship Program

“After investing Rs. 35 Crore in ads, I’ve condensed my learnings into 5 hours of training, saving you the same amount. Say goodbye to high CPP and start profiting from your Facebook ads campaigns. Join our Dropshipping Mentorship Program now!”



What You Can do after this course?





What will you Learn?

Become Top 1% Dropshipper


  1. Product creation & optimization


Unlock bonuses worth Rs. 4000O!


Fb Ads Checklist

Meet Your Trainer

Founded by visionary CEO Aryan Verma, LearnStiles empowers entrepreneurs through cutting-edge education. Aryan’s leadership drove the company to a nine-figure income, revolutionizing edtech. LearnStiles also spawned AdsCreats, a digital advertising powerhouse. Together, they epitomize innovation, excellence, and empowerment in the digital era. Join us and realize your entrepreneurial dreams with LearnStiles.

dropshipping program Content

Day 1: Introduction to Dropshipping
  • Understanding the dropshipping business model
  • Pros and cons of dropshipping
  • Choosing the right niche for your dropshipping business
Day 2: Setting Up Your Dropshipping Store
  • Selecting a platform (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce)
  • Setting up your store and adding products
  • Customizing your store for optimal user experience
Day 3: Product Research and Selection
  • Strategies for finding profitable products to sell
  • Evaluating product demand and competition
  • Identifying winning product trends
Day 4: Supplier Sourcing and Management
  • Finding reliable suppliers and wholesalers
  • Negotiating terms and pricing with suppliers
  • Managing supplier relationships for long-term success
Day 5: Creating Compelling Product Listings
  • Writing persuasive product descriptions
  • Choosing high-quality product images
  • Optimizing product listings for search engines
Day 6: Marketing Your Dropshipping Business
  • Introduction to digital marketing channels (e.g., Facebook Ads, Google Ads, influencer marketing)
  • Developing a marketing strategy tailored to your target audience
  • Setting up and optimizing your first marketing campaign
Day 7: Building Your Brand
  • Importance of branding in dropshipping
  • Developing a unique brand identity and voice
  • Building trust with your customers through branding
Day 8: Customer Service and Support
  • Providing excellent customer service to enhance customer satisfaction
  • Handling customer inquiries, complaints, and returns
  • Strategies for building customer loyalty and repeat business
Day 9: Managing Orders and Fulfillment
  • Understanding the order fulfillment process in dropshipping
  • Automating order processing and tracking
  • Dealing with order fulfillment challenges and delays
Day 10: Scaling Your Dropshipping Business
  • Strategies for scaling your dropshipping business profitably
  • Outsourcing tasks to free up your time
  • Expanding into new markets and product categories
Day 11: Analyzing and Optimizing Performance
  • Using analytics tools to track key performance metrics
  • Identifying areas for improvement in your dropshipping business
  • Implementing strategies to optimize your store’s performance
Day 12: Legal and Compliance Considerations
  • Understanding legal requirements for dropshipping businesses
  • Protecting your business with proper terms and conditions, privacy policies, etc.
  • Compliance with tax regulations and international shipping laws
Day 13: Overcoming Common Challenges and Pitfalls
  • Common challenges faced by dropshipping entrepreneurs
  • Strategies for overcoming obstacles and staying motivated
  • Learning from failure and adapting your approach
Day 14: Q&A Session and Review
  • Open forum for participants to ask questions and seek clarification
  • Reviewing key concepts covered throughout the course
  • Providing additional resources and support for ongoing success
Day 15: Graduation and Next Steps
  • Celebrating your completion of the dropshipping mentorship program
  • Reflecting on your progress and achievements
  • Discussing next steps and continued support options

Who Can Join DRopshipping mastery?

Business owners who want to expand their Business

Startups founders who want to utilize FB ads

Students who want to learn ways to earn money